Why would girls allow their boyfriends to video take them while doing the wild mambo?

jeudi 29 octobre 2015

A friend of Dags dated this guy for nearly three years. They "loved each other" there were no trust issues, and yes they made a tape. Big surprise, their love did not endure the test of time! He cheated on her, she found out and won't take him back and he's ticked off!

She believes her ex will either upload the video or show it to a friend(s) without her consent of course. :yuck::thmbdown::crazy:

Why did you do it in the first place (Dags asked)?

She replied: I thought it would be fun, naughty, and sexy. Very erotic!

Seriously what is wrong with you people?!
Why do girls like to get treated like dirty ladies of the night, for lack of a better word? Whatever happened to self-worth for crying out loud?

Put it on tape? really? :howler:
what is wrong with you male peons?!
Clearly you have no game!

One night with Dags = best night of your life that you'll never forget!
there's no need for toys or tapes…

There's a reason why I have ex girlfriends naming their kids after me.
And a fiancée who moans my name every time she makes love to her husband!

but then again this is exactly what happens when you girls do not choose wisely! You date little boys or average men…in other words you settle for less/garbage!

So is this a normal practice in today's society, huh?

your thoughts…your thoughts...
Why would girls allow their boyfriends to video take them while doing the wild mambo?

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