Fagyi's blog - Guaranteed To Melt

jeudi 29 octobre 2015

My very own thread. Here's where I write my drivel to keep the rest of the forum drivel free. Please feel free to ask a question. I welcome them!

I've been buying lot of new clothes recently. I just bought some gold cufflinks and tie pin.

After losing much weight (sure to lose more) I want to get the use out of some clothes that won't fit much longer. Lot of the things I have a smart shirts. But I don't have many ties, cufflinks etc to go with them. So that's what I'm looking for. If anyone knows of a place that sells good stuff at good prices I welcome it.

I'm also buying tons of stuff on eBay from China. Best to cut out the middle men. You save a lot of cash this way + plus you can make deals with them. I have now at least 10 contacts in China who get me stuff I want. I have one guy who sells me a nice priced fake Rolex or Omega watch for 30-35 depending how much I buy. In UK these sell £100 a time (no pun intended). Nice little earner. Guys in the business say these are the best fakes out there. You can only tell they're fake if you take the backs off. So you could potentially trick someone saying its the real McCoy.

That's all for now folks. More Fagyi wisdom coming your way soon. Remember you can ask anything or ask me to give an opinion or thought on a news event.

But play nice! Before you post think if it will hurt Fagyi's feelings.
Fagyi's blog - Guaranteed To Melt

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