The importance of information sources in History of Football.

samedi 31 octobre 2015

The importance of coming to xtratime in this forum football history is to share and deliver information for discuss seriously and with foundations. This activity is important to overcome prejudices, develop knowledge and produce true opinion.

In this context, I still remember when I got to Xtratime and I said that Elias Figueroa was elected on 2 occasions (1975 and 1976) the best player in the world by FIFA.

Many doubted the information, question my credibility and even made fun of me:

Over time in many occasions I made the task to affirm and reaffirm this information.


My disappointment was so great that certainly, I became obsessive with this issue.
But injustice, bias and bullying (for lack of brains) was much.

Now I come here to settle this matter.

Along with the information and verified before, now Elías Figueroa wrote a article for the famous Spanish sports newspaper "As daily"
The article is caled "Los retos de la generación dorada"

On this article Figueroa put on the table the issue about best player in the history of Chile. Figueroa exposes your arguments already known to the people and interpellates to current Chilean footballers to overcome him.

The point is that Figueroa said that he was chosen three times the best of America, between 1974 and 1976, and twice the best in the world by FIFA, in 1975 and 1976.

1975 AND 1976!!!!!

BY THE FIFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

It should be noted several factors:
1) .- There are many sources exposed for what was said here.
2) .- The media exposed are serious means.
3) .- The daily AS Spain is an prestigious international sports diary.
4) .- The daily AS Spain is an objective means of communication not chilean.
5) .- Is the FIFA who gives recognition to Figueroa.
6).- The recognition is by 2 years, 1975 and 1976.

At this point, they made fun of me, but time gives me the reason.
I do not ask anyone to recant, I ask only take seriously the arguments here exposed and respect the South American football. I SAID.

The importance of information sources in History of Football.

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