The place that is now known as Romania was over 10.000 years ago , the place were human civilisation really sprouted. This truth is hard to digest for other nations that wish to be the "chosen people".
In the region known as Oltenia :proud: , it has been found that the oldest dwelling in huts in the world (18.000 years BC), the oldest mining activities, the oldest mining pickaxe found , the oldest metallurgical activity of copper in the world (8.000 years BC), the oldest writing in the world (tărtăria tablets, Alba 5-6,000 BC). Here was also invented the bow, the first blast furnaces in Europe, and from here humans left and formed other Indo-European peoples and others such as Iranians, Italus' poeple , frygienii, Scythians, Cimmerian tribes , Iberian Basques , Sarmatians, Hellenes (Achaeans and Dorians) fenicians..etc.
Traco-Dacians are the oldest and highest culture on Earth, predating even the Sumerian civilization, and the most numerous (180-200 tribes). They could be found across Europe (the Balkans, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, Europe, Asia Minor, Africa ... even the Boers from South Africa were also Dacians, Burebista himslef having their blood).
The writing and with it the history, first appeared in the Thracian space and only later used by the Greco-Romans . Traco-Dacians had the oldest European agriculture (Neolithic) and among the oldest in the world. In their time they were the only people in the world who used the circle in devices for measuring time.
American scientists concluded in 95 that the biblical flood took place west-shore of the Black Sea were a highly developed country was living(wonder who?). Also Mount Olympus(Ulimp , meaning light in dacian language) was non other than our mount Bucegi were the legendary Sfinx is. Homer said that only Thracians knwe to fight on horse with the bow starting in milenium 5 BC :eyepatch:
The Thraco-Dacians were the most honest civilisation of all time , with every convention being finalised verbally and no pact being broken. When you weren't home , you just placed a stick at your door-step and it was enough :angel: Dacians also never adopted salavery(only ancient civilisation :dazed:)
@ 1400 BC , in the north-danubian Thrace , the first ever school on Terra was created named the Andronicon were Zamolxian priests teached all disciplines.
According remaining testimonies of Plato and Socrates , Pythagoras himself completed his studies at the Zamolxian school , and they also stated that at that time in Dacia were the chief physicians of the time. The historian Herodotus, regarded the Cimmerians originating from the north eastern side of the Carpathians (now Moldova). Then some of them went south to Anatolia, where they were known as Cimiry. Subsequently migrated to Italy, Spain, England and Ireland and were later known as the Celts.
The area north of the Danube (today's Romania), was regarded as a terrestrial paradise. A land rich in almost all the riches of the earth, farmland (Granary of Europe later), pastures, all forms of relief, incredible natural waters, an area well-defended against most natural disasters, etc. A unique miracle of history, were local people could not be driven out or denationalized.
Romanians still retain the language, port, customs, traditions of their ancestors 7,000 years ago. Thorough analyzes of blood, demonstrates another miracle: despite numerous invasions, including more distorted Roman occupation, we kept genetic purity, specific to our ancestors. Romania remains a miracle, which has provided a messianic future. Indian prophet Sundhar Singh wrote in 1922 that Romanians will become a people loved and respected by all peoples of the world.
Long live the chosen people of God!!! Romania :proud: :musik:
Romania , the hearth of the World
In the region known as Oltenia :proud: , it has been found that the oldest dwelling in huts in the world (18.000 years BC), the oldest mining activities, the oldest mining pickaxe found , the oldest metallurgical activity of copper in the world (8.000 years BC), the oldest writing in the world (tărtăria tablets, Alba 5-6,000 BC). Here was also invented the bow, the first blast furnaces in Europe, and from here humans left and formed other Indo-European peoples and others such as Iranians, Italus' poeple , frygienii, Scythians, Cimmerian tribes , Iberian Basques , Sarmatians, Hellenes (Achaeans and Dorians) fenicians..etc.
Traco-Dacians are the oldest and highest culture on Earth, predating even the Sumerian civilization, and the most numerous (180-200 tribes). They could be found across Europe (the Balkans, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Turkey, Europe, Asia Minor, Africa ... even the Boers from South Africa were also Dacians, Burebista himslef having their blood).
The writing and with it the history, first appeared in the Thracian space and only later used by the Greco-Romans . Traco-Dacians had the oldest European agriculture (Neolithic) and among the oldest in the world. In their time they were the only people in the world who used the circle in devices for measuring time.
American scientists concluded in 95 that the biblical flood took place west-shore of the Black Sea were a highly developed country was living(wonder who?). Also Mount Olympus(Ulimp , meaning light in dacian language) was non other than our mount Bucegi were the legendary Sfinx is. Homer said that only Thracians knwe to fight on horse with the bow starting in milenium 5 BC :eyepatch:
The Thraco-Dacians were the most honest civilisation of all time , with every convention being finalised verbally and no pact being broken. When you weren't home , you just placed a stick at your door-step and it was enough :angel: Dacians also never adopted salavery(only ancient civilisation :dazed:)
@ 1400 BC , in the north-danubian Thrace , the first ever school on Terra was created named the Andronicon were Zamolxian priests teached all disciplines.
According remaining testimonies of Plato and Socrates , Pythagoras himself completed his studies at the Zamolxian school , and they also stated that at that time in Dacia were the chief physicians of the time. The historian Herodotus, regarded the Cimmerians originating from the north eastern side of the Carpathians (now Moldova). Then some of them went south to Anatolia, where they were known as Cimiry. Subsequently migrated to Italy, Spain, England and Ireland and were later known as the Celts.
The area north of the Danube (today's Romania), was regarded as a terrestrial paradise. A land rich in almost all the riches of the earth, farmland (Granary of Europe later), pastures, all forms of relief, incredible natural waters, an area well-defended against most natural disasters, etc. A unique miracle of history, were local people could not be driven out or denationalized.
Romanians still retain the language, port, customs, traditions of their ancestors 7,000 years ago. Thorough analyzes of blood, demonstrates another miracle: despite numerous invasions, including more distorted Roman occupation, we kept genetic purity, specific to our ancestors. Romania remains a miracle, which has provided a messianic future. Indian prophet Sundhar Singh wrote in 1922 that Romanians will become a people loved and respected by all peoples of the world.
Long live the chosen people of God!!! Romania :proud: :musik:
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