15/16 - League Match #14: PEC Zwolle - Ajax

samedi 28 novembre 2015

Our bogey team of the last few seasons. We haven't managed to win the last 5 games against them. With the cup final of course the most infamous of them all.

This season they're performing a bit less and the have a big Ajax flavour in their team. With Menig and Becker as wingers upfront, Juve flop Bouy, Go Ahead flop Vd Hart and El Hasnaoui I believe.

The line-up


Tete - Veltman - Riedewald - Dijks

Gudelj - Klaassen - Van de Beek

Cerny - Milik - Younes

The score

PEC Zwolle - Ajax 1-1


15/16 - League Match #14: PEC Zwolle - Ajax

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