Giornata 14: Mihan - Sampdoria

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

We are visiting Miha's Milan in the weekend, "Mihan". I'm not sure it will be Mihan for long as it's clear Berlusconi doesn't like Sinisa and his football at all. Anyway, let's talk about our team and Montella. Montella joined us with two away games to play, lost the one at Udine giving most of Sampdoria's fans the feeling he was trying to give a tactical plan to the team. Useless to say the same fans wexpect a further tactical improvement in this game and at least one point.
Zukanovic is banned after the red card he received in the past game, Moisander might fail to get chance because of yet another injury and as a consequence Regini will be the center back.
Ivan might get a chance at midfield.
Giornata 14: Mihan - Sampdoria

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