Enough with the superhero movies

mercredi 20 janvier 2016


If we’re being honest with ourselves, we have to admit that the quality of superhero movies has slowly declined as their numbers have increased exponentially. And it’s only going to get worse.

Over the next five years, studios will produce 30 superhero films. What fraction of them will be memorable, fun, special?

I’m so tired of superhero films starring four or more heroes that I find myself almost looking forward to Batman vs. Superman, which only features two extraordinary beings. (Except, wait: There's also Wonder Woman. And Aquaman.
excerpt from: http://ift.tt/1Sxp7qH

This is a great point. Have studios completley ignored the Magic of the first 3 Superman Films that starred Christopher Reeve or the Nolan's Dark Knight films or Tim Burtons Batman Movies?

Most of the Marvel films have just been about mindless action that you forget about once the movie is over and the new DC films coming up are most likely going to be the same as well.

Hollywood seriously must be out of ideas if they are going to keep on recycling superhero reboots..
Enough with the superhero movies

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