Ballon d'or with non-european players

samedi 23 janvier 2016

Thanks to a post published by Dagoods in another threat I found out that France Football has published an article explaining who would have won the Ballon d'Or if non-european footballers had been considered for the award from the first edition. I am sorry, I only found references in spanish, so I cannot link it.
According to the organizer of the award, Pelé would have won 7 times, Maradona twice and Garrincha, Kempes and Romario once.

Garrincha'62, Kempes'78 and Romario'94 seem obvious choices, but which changes would you make? Personally I believe that maybe Didi (1958) and Zico (1981) deserve the prize. Also, Maradona in 1987 was better than Gullit, after winning his first scudetto with Napoli.
Ballon d'or with non-european players

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