WWE posters Pro-Wrestling Classification(Faces, Heels and Tweeners)?

dimanche 27 décembre 2015

As those who are familiar with Pro-wrestling know that wrestlers are given roles of faces and heels.
basically faces are good guys, heels are bad guys. while tweener are two faced guys who carry the trait of both bad and good.
So who will be in your face group, heel group and tweener group?


Faces: Poster who are always nice with people, post rational opinions, not overtly biased and generally don't end up insulting the other guy after losing the debates.

Heels: Poster who generally look for troubles and fights, and also have a habit of ganging up with fellow such poster whenever their are debates.

Tweeners: Posters who do not fit the above characteristics, as they exhibit both of the above qualities from time to time.
WWE posters Pro-Wrestling Classification(Faces, Heels and Tweeners)?

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