thoughts on Balkvnt Women

lundi 28 décembre 2015

just some observations I have gathered over time being in the vicinity of women in the European near east.

Slovenian - A Slovenian girl can be quite pretentious and fastidious. Race is a big issue for them. Anything more than 2.132 on the kinsy swarth scale and you might look at serving time for attempted rape let alone getting a bitchslap to the face.

To Impress a Slovene girl one must possess at least 2 copies of mein kampf (including the limited edition with foreword from Viktor Orban) and an igenea certificate which shows that your body contains an abundance of the r1b hapolgroup.

Croatian - Croatian girls have a sense of pride. practicing Catholics at day but hardcore party girls at night. Croatian girls have good looks and are probably the least annoying from the dystopian region known as the balkans but a major turnoff are their freakishly long legs.

Bosnian - Bosnian girls are the the roll of a dice. Either you will get a hot girl called Amra with light brown hair or Dzenana from Kladanj with fat burek rolling fingers. Only problem with Bosnian girls is their lack of understanding of promiscuity - taking a girl out to a bar for a drink is the equivalent of a one night stand in so called liberal western capitals.

Also, my weird porn collection and obsession with maitrase madeline, flogging and feather dusters is frowned upon by the local populace.

Serbian - Definitely up there with Slovene chicks as amongst the best from the balkans. Serbian girls come in all different shapes and sizes. best observations include some of the best T&A around. Serbian girls seem to age well too. just look at them milfs on grand.

Downside is that today the mere shout of "kosovo je srbija" or bottle of rakija is not enough to sway Serbian chicks anymore. Only a Sheik with a hotel suite in Dubai will suffice nowadays. some Serbian girls also have the faux tranny look but to be honest that can be a turn on to some.

Macedonian - There is something mystical about a Macedonian girl. Much like the country, Macedonia is in the Balkans yet some how the disputes over the name with greece and the general let's get on with everyone except the shiptars mentality of the macedonians just makes you forget about how wonderful and hot Macedonian girls are.

I have never met a Macedonian girl outside of an epic facebook stalking session but alas one day the time will come.

Montinegrans - The girls from Montenegro come packed with swarth - but the good kind. They have a kind demeanor and are generally more satisfying in bed than your average pillow. Montenegrin girls are also apparently 'tight' according to fortune teller I met in Dusseldorf.

Only issues that can come up is the cetinje blood tradition that goes down for generations in which if you have a one night stand with a lady from the local populace u have to exchange a member of your family or yourself for their sexual consumption. Montenegrin girls also have a wild nack for physical fitness and anything over 80kg is considered to be obese in their eyes.

Your thoughts comrades?
thoughts on Balkvnt Women

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