The official Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thread 2016

mercredi 23 décembre 2015

Well, 2015 has about a week left in it.

Come here and dwell, reflect, and discuss, or just wish your fellow XTimers a happy new year.

Rhizoid's open letter to XT:

Dear XT members,

Whether I love you or hate you, I would like to extend my wishes to everyone here and wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy new year, Merry Festivus for the rest of us to air our grievances and what not.

My 2015 has been a year of ups and downs.

On the upside, on Jan 14th, I was blessed with baby Lea. She's changed my life upside down. Changing nappies, waking in the middle of the night, preparing bottles, playing in the middle of the night, bedtime stories / reading her LOT'S of books, songs, watching her bonding with the grandparents, and her uncle (my brother), making a mess with food, making sure she doesn't eat the sand in the park :howler: , playing the softer Radiohead songs...letting her watch me play Final Fantasy :D (brainwashing)

Workwise, I had difficulty till July, but August onwards all of that changed, and I'm in a much better place now, in the same company.

My brother's marriage lasted less than a year, and I'm glad he left his psycho wife (not that my bro is an easy person to live with..:palm: ). They weren't happy together, and it was clear that they were incompatible from the start.

On the down sides, my wife got promoted twice in 2015 in her job (that's not the downside :howler: ), only to be let go in the final round of lay-offs due to cost cutting. It was a suspicious layoff, because all the laid off females in her "Multinational Corporation" were "females who recently gave birth".

However, she's actually doing well for herself, started her own company, and has been entrepreneuring it 24/7 since October. Business is doing well so far. :proud: :thumbsup:

Mom and Dad's health is fine and intact. They live comfortably in Lebanon either in the city or the summer house high up in the mountains. Yet there is an air of uncertainty. (ISIS, refugee crisis, Israel, garbage crisis....etc).

Football-wise...Juventus won the double, almost a treble, nevertheless it was good to be back in a CL Final. Which we lost. Nothing unusual given my experience in the field in 97, 98, 2003..:proud: :doh: :cecco: :palm:

We're spending new year's eve at a small house gathering. The in-laws will baby sit (Bless them :proud: )

Here's to a new year, better fortunes, better life, better everything!!!!


Rhizoid (Haytham) :hug:
The official Merry Christmas and Happy New Year thread 2016

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