Your first memories of the Internet

mardi 29 septembre 2015

I think I was 13 when I began surfing the Internet, which is now almost 17 years ago... that would've been in 1998. One page I recall visiting a lot was "Cori's Rocketshipping Page", the site runner was this woman called Cori who was an intense Pokemon fan, and especially, a huge fan of Team Rocket [if you're not aware, Team Rocket is the organization dedicated to the capture of rare types of Pokemon]... anyway, Cori held the belief that Jessie and James of Team Rocket, who are the central villains on the Pokemon anime, are... in love :D Back then I was so addicted to Pokemon, both the games and the show, and the part of Cori's site I enjoyed the most was the "rants" section where people could unleash their fury against all the various injustices committed against Jessie and James on the anime.

So that's one particular memory I have from my early Internet surfing days.
Your first memories of the Internet

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